Home > Artworks > valentin jaramillo arevalo

Photo of valentin jaramillo arevalo Spain

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Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Castilla la Mancha, specializing in arts and educational team member data audiovisuales.Actualmente Museum Basin Abstract and performs a PhD at the University of Castilla la Mancha.


Cultural and Educational Programming (Caja Madrid) February 2008
No DO2XDO2 Magazine March 2, 2008
RevistaDO2 No 10, No 11 May 2008 and No 12 December 2008
Artists-Art Ikas No 1 November...

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39.37 x 39.37 in
19.69 x 19.69 in
32.28 x 22.44 in
31.50 x 24.41 in
31.50 x 21.65 in
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Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Castilla la Mancha, specializing in arts and educational team member data audiovisuales.Actualmente Museum Basin Abstract and performs a PhD at the University of Castilla la Mancha.


Cultural and Educational Programming (Caja Madrid) February 2008
No DO2XDO2 Magazine March 2, 2008
RevistaDO2 No 10, No 11 May 2008 and No 12 December 2008
Artists-Art Ikas No 1 November 2008
Book? Warrior of Medina de las Torres? July 2009
Catalogue? Spaces? December 2010

AWARDS & SELECTIONS for the past 3 years

Title: REVEALED 07 Year: February 2008 Description: Second Prize for the work SCENARIOS OF MY LIFE (FotografíaArtística). 60.000ejemplares publication, on the covers of one of the works? Portrait 2? Series? Stages of my Life?, in the Cultural and Educational Program of the month of Febrerode 2008 of Caja Madrid.
Title: LIVE to fulfill Year: April 2008 Description: First prize for the series A DREAM OF PAPER (FotografíaArtística) awarded by the Fundación MAPFRE.
Title: EXTREMADURA Hits Year: June 2008 Description: Finalist for the work SITUATIONS (Photography Artistic) selected by the 5th CLICKS Photography Award exhibition of Extremadura ycatálogo.
Title: Competition of Arts Award PlásticasUniversidad Zaragoza Year: July 2008 Description: FIRST PRIZE for laobra FORMS OF VIEW (Art Photography)
Title: ARTS BIENNIAL? CITY DEALBACETE? Year: September 2008 Description: Finalist for the work BLUE AND RED (Photography Artistic) selected by the Eighth Biennial eljurado Albacete for exhibition and catalog.
Title: 1st PRIZE OF PLASTIC ARTS? University of Castilla-La Mancha Year: January 28, 2009 Description: 1 second prize for THE NEW ART AND AUDIOVISUAL the series? GREY? (Photography Artistic).
Title: XXI FINE ARTS COMPETITION? Fernando Zobel 2009? Year: May 21, 2009 Description: Second prize or 2 AWARD CATEGORY? B? for the work? SITUATIONS? (Photography Artistic).
Title: 5th FOTOARTE Photo Competition 2009? Year: June 30, 2009 Description: 2 Second prize for the work? Double Life? (FotografíaArtística).
Title: 1 Digital Photo Contest? Looks Guadajoz? Year: March 12, 2010 Description: Selected exposicióny dosfotografías for later playback.
Title: XXIV National Photography Competition "City of Ubeda" Year: April 16, 2010 Description: I Accesit by Laserie? Paper Dreams II?
Title: XXII ARTS CONTEST? Fernando Zobel 2010? Year: June 15, 2010 Description: Second prize or 2 AWARD CATEGORY? B? for the work? Blue and Red? (Photography Artistic).
Title: GRANT FRANCISCO ZURBARAN ARTISTIC PRODUCTION 2010 Year: From May 15 to November 15 de2010 Description: allocation of 4165? for artistic dissemination laproducción and Project CUBE.
Title: 2 Digital Photo Contest? Looks Guadajoz? Year: February 28, 2011 Description: Photo Prize for artists under 35.



Title:? Situations? Start date: 03/02/2011 End date: 06/03/2011 Description: Solo exhibition of the project? Situations? in the Gallery Maria Llanos de Cáceres. Project: Project Situations (10 pieces photo)
Title:? Spaces? Start date: 02/12/2010 End date: 09/01/2011 Description: Solo exhibition of the project? Spaces? funded by the Province of Cuenca and the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The Exhibition will take place in room of the School of Arts of Cuenca and then move to the Fundación Antonio Pérez. Project: Project Situations (30 pcs photo) Catalog: ISBN: 978-84-92711-73-4
Title: "Situations" Start Date: 20/06/2008 End date: 15/07/2008 Description: Presenting the photographic situations in the classroom Magna Building UCLM Antonio Saura Basin.
Title: "Colours" Start Date: 20/07/2005 End date: 31/08/2005 Description: Exhibition of paintings, sculpture and printmaking at the Cultural Center of Medina de las Torres (Badajoz).
Title: Caja Badajoz "Valentin Jaramillo Arevalo" Start Date: 15/07/2004 End date: 31/07/2004 Description: Exhibition of painting and drawing at the Cultural Center Santa Clara de Zafra (Badajoz) owned by Caja Badajoz.
Title: Caja Badajoz "Valentin Jaramillo Arevalo" Start Date: 02/07/2003 End date: 11/07/2003 Description: Exhibition of paintings and sculpture at the Cultural Center Santa Clara de Zafra (Badajoz), owned by Caja Badajoz .

COCECTIVAS the last 3 years

Title:? Justmadrid 2 ArtFair? Start date: 17/02/2011 End date: 20/02/2011 Description: Exhibition of four pieces in the booth of the gallery Maria Llanos of Justmadrid Contemporary Art Fair. Project: Series writer and a child's play.
Title: FOCONORTE 2010 Date: 26-27-28 April 2010 Description: Selected for the exhibition from which the winner will work? Situations V?
Title: XXIV National Photography Competition "City of Ubeda" Start Date: May 16, 2010 Description: Group exhibition consists of the winners of the photography competition organized by City of Ubeda Ubeda the AFDE. Where I got the second prize for the series? Paper Dreams II?.
Title: FOTOARTE2009? Start date: 10/09/2009 End Date: 04/10/2009 at CC Hegoalde Start date: 06/10/2009 End Date: 25/10/2009 at CC Judimendi Start date: 27/10/2009 End Date: 17/11/2009 at CC Lakua Start date: 19/11/2009 End Date: 10/12/2009 at CC Iparralde Start date: 12/12/2009 End Date: 03/01/2010 at CC Pillar Description: Exhibition of selected competition winners Fotoarte of Vitoria. Work:? Double Life? Artistic Photography. (Second)
Title: XXI FINE ARTS COMPETITION? Fernando Zobel 2009? Start date: 15/06/2009 End date: 30/06/2009Descripción: Exhibition of selected competition winners Fernando Zobel Plastic Arts in the exhibition hall MCC c / Carretería, 2 Basin. Work:? SITUATIONS? Artistic Photography. Catalogue: Selected Works, CCM organizes
Title:? WOMEN FROM OBJECTIVE: Women and Photography Competition III? Start date: 06/03/2009 End date: 26/03/2009 Description: The Regional Assembly hosted, from 6 to 26 March, the photographic exhibition 'Women from the lens', a selection of 62 photographs presented to the Third Contest "Women and Photography 'launched by the Department of Women on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day on 8 March. Work:? SITUATIONS? Artistic Photography. (Selected Works)
Title:? I AWARD OF FINE ARTS University of Castilla-La Mancha? Start date: 29/01/2009 End date: 20/02/2009 Description: Group exhibition of artists selected and awarded the First Prize of Plastic Arts of the UCLM 2008, work exhibited at the Cultural Hall Open University of Ciudad Real . Work:? Series GREY? Artistic Photography. Catalogue: Legal Deposit CR-31-2009
Title:? Videofronteras? Start date: 15/12/2008 End date: 19/12/2008 Description: Group exhibition of artists by the media of Video II Latin American Meeting, held in Cuenca in Building Antonio Saura, University of Castilla-La Mancha. Work:? Project Situations? Artistic Photography.
Title: "Live to fulfill" Start Date: 05/12/2008 End date: 14/12/2008 Description: Group exhibition of artists Contest winners live to fulfill that calls the Mapfre Foundation and held in Room Exhibition Retirement Madrid.Obra Metro: "A dream role" Scenic Photography Series 3 (1 st Prize) Catalog: Fundación MAPFRE.
Title: "ART IKAS" Start Date: 05/11/2008 End date: 09/11/2008 Description: The first International Exhibition of Art University, Ikas Art, has over 350 students from 13 schools of Fine Arts in Spain, developed from three municipalities in the district of Encartaciones, Güeñes, Sodupe and Balmaseda (Vizcaya). Work: Project Situations. Books: I International Exhibition of Art University Publisher: Legal Dept. Enkartur: VI-386/2008.
Title: "VII Biennial arts" Start Date: 01/09/2008 End date: 30/09/2008 Description: Group exhibition of work selected by the VII Biennial of Plastic Arts of the City of Albacete, Exhibited in Municipal Museum of Albacete during the month of September 2008.Obra "Blue & Red" Art Photography (Selected Works). Catalog: Biennial of Visual Arts in the city of Albacete Edit: HE. City of Albacete Legal Dept.: AB-340-2008.
Title: "Artistic Creation Awards 2008" Start Date: 01/07/2008 End date: 25/07/2008 Description: Group exhibition of art by the Art Creation Award 2008 from the University of Zaragoza stated in the Vice President of Teruel. Artwork: "Ways to Watch" Art Photography (1 st Prize). Catalog: VII Contest of Plastic Arts (Cultural Activities at the University of Zaragoza). Title: "A Extremadura clicks" Start Date: 10/06/2008 End date: 22/06/2008 Utiel Description: Group exhibition of artists traveling winners and selected by the 5 th Prize Photo Hits Extremadura, Photographs displayed Column Patio Palace of the Provincial Council of Badajoz, Extremadura box. Artwork: "Situations" Artistic Photography (Selected Works). Catalog: 5 Clicks Photography Contest of Extremadura Edit: Caja de Extremadura Legal Deposit: BA-320/2008
Title: "Collective 7" Start Date: 19/07/2008 End date: 24/07/2008 Description: Group exhibition of final projects at the University of Fine Arts in Cuenca, displayed at the Youth Center of the City Cuenca. Project: Project artistic photography "Situations".
Title: "Ethnology of a Recreation" Start Date: 23/04/2008 End date: 30/04/2008 Utiel date: 12/05/2008 End date: 16/05/2008 in Cuenca (BBAA ) Description: Multimedia exhibition (installation, photography, video and audio) in Utiel and Cuenca, conducted in collaboration with students from IES Miguel Ballesteros Utiel as a result of the production workshops conducted during the months of February and March 2008. Work: Photography workshop and staged space.
Title: "Exhibition of Extremadura in support of minority-Bahá í Iran" Start Date: 02/01/2008 End date: 12/01/2008 Description: Exhibition of Extremadura artists involved in publicizing the persecution suffered by the Bahá-í minority in Iran, exhibited at the Cowboy Hall of the Provincial Poblador Badajoz.Obra: Some fragments of reality, Acrylic on canvas.
Title: "Virtual Exhibition contest Revealed 07" Year: February 2008 Description: Revealed Prize in cover 07 and Cultural Caja Madrid in February. Address: [-] 0.71148 _0_0_0, 00.html Work: Scenes of my life


Caja Madrid
University of Zaragoza
Mapfre Foundation
University of Castilla-La Mancha
DO2 Magazine
Fernando Zobel Fund
City of Ubeda
Antonio Pérez Foundation
City of Castro del Rio

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